Supporting Women's Empowerment in Integrated Landscape Programs

Gender webinar on March 8th
Webinar Recording


Overview: This webinar focused on how to empower women in a wide range of ‘Green’ projects and programs. The webinar also showcased examples of gender-transformative project/program actions, including an innovative approach using the W+ Standard to measure and monetize women’s empowerment outcomes. Challenges and opportunities for this and other gender-focused interventions will be discussed.

The W+ Standard was created by Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (WOCAN) to measure project and program-related women’s empowerment outcomes. The W+ Standard provides a certification for projects or programs that generate increased social and economic benefits for women. These benefits can be in the form of time and labor-saving mechanisms, improved renewable energy technologies, increased leadership and/or income from the participation in forest and agriculture activities.


  • Raise awareness of gender and women’s empowerment outcomes to achieve the shared goals of PROGREEN and FOLUR
  • Introduce the W+ Standard to measure women’s empowerment
  • Discuss resources and options available to project teams to address gender activity opportunities including a W+ pilot

Featured speaker:

Dr. Jeannette Gurung, Founder & Executive Director, Women Organizing Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (WOCAN)

Facilitator: Dr. Patti Kristjanson, Gender, Forest and Agricultural Landscapes Specialist, PROGREEN and FOLUR


Dr. Sindhu Prasad Dhungana, Joint Secretary and Chief of Participatory Forestry Division, Ministry of Forests and Environment, Nepal

Asyl Undeland, Fund Manager, Enhancing Access to Benefits while Lowering Emissions (EnABLE), Climate Change Group, World Bank

Mr. Santosh Mani Nepal, Forest and Natural Resource Management Specialist Consultant, WB Nepal



Relevant information:


Supporting Women's Empowerment in Integrated Landscape Programs